Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Web development And Its Basic Practices Tips

A web designer’s role may be a bit vague with that of developers for some design firms, in fact, these terms may often be interchangeable.  To give distinction on their roles, developers work in terms of the site’s functional aspects while web designers seemed to focus more on the aesthetics. Though some web developers are lucky to be designers, these two roles should work synergistically with each other to be able to create a site that’s not only attractive, but one that’s advantageous on the part of the users.  However, in this article, web development tends to focus less in designing as it provides the five practices tips that are useful for developers out there.    

Easy navigability. Developers have to go in harmony with the designers when it comes to the site’s visual appeal and usability.  A well-developed structure is very significant to a user as it contributes much to their ease when navigating the site.  To be able to optimize easy accessibility, some features should be included like vertical dropdown menus, tab navigation, visitor site maps, and most of all, must contain no more than three navigation levels.  
web development UAE

Compatibility in terms of browsers.  With the variety of browsers offered on the web, it gives users a wider option on what to use.  Having this in mind, our company points out the responsibility of the developer in ensuring that the site must work as desired regardless of the browser used.  

Optimize loading pace.  How a website responds to the user’s request is not only vital in terms of usability, but is also critical when it comes to search ranking in Google. Findings revealed that visitors spend lesser time in slow-responding sites compared to those that don’t make users wait for the pages to load.    

SEO. Web development works with SEO professionals to make the site search-engine friendly. This means that the web pages should not only work for the user’s advantage but also to the bots of the search engines.  

Compatibility with a variety of devices.  People nowadays tend to go more mobile with the use of portable gadgets. Because of this, developers must see to it that the site should also be mobile-friendly.  And though this uses a different approach compared to desktop devices, the practices tips mentioned above still applies. Things to be considered include optimal mobile speed, simplified navigation, mobile SEO, and minimal input of images.  

We emphasizes once again that a web developer’s role is to enhance the site’s functionality. This includes the basic elements that should be applied to a site regardless of the scope, screen, and industry.

1 comment:

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